Compass H2O, always points to hope
As far as the human physiology is concerned, water is the most vital element for the overall well being. It plays crucial role in all bodily processes by providing a universal medium. Dehydration is a condition, in which water in a living body reduces unusually, and it is likely to encounter in daily life. Dehydration impairs both physical and mental performance in a human being.
Our wearable band—Compass H2O monitors your hydration level and guides you to the direction of water source to prevent dehydration.
Compass H2O, always points to hope and will save your life under extreme situation.
Sharon Gong 3:29 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for Susan designing our logo. It’s hard but finally we choose a satisfying one !
Glenn Zucman 3:44 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Yes, thanks Susan, great work! 🙂