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  • Glenn Zucman 2:11 pm on July 14, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: Google Slides, PowerPoint, ,   

    Wearable Tech LA Presentation Slides 

    Glenn’s intro narration for slides 2, 3, 4, 5 is here: Compass H2.Org/wearabletechla-intro-slides
    Joseph is narrating the user scenario

  • Glenn Zucman 12:33 pm on July 13, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: ,   

    Why is it called Compass H2O? 

    We’ve agreed to keep the name Compass H2O (and not take on an entire rebranding) even though our use case has evolved. We’ve also agreed not to confuse our brief presentation with talk of hydration sensors. But someone might still ask, Why is it called Compass H2O? Here’s a possible response, see what you think…
    More: 187 words >>

  • Glenn Zucman 11:56 am on July 13, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , , Google Maps, Grandmother, Leopold Bloom, , Shanghai, Slides, ,   

    WearableTechLA Intro Slides 

    Black-and-white photo of Stonehenge at night with various figures meandering about More: Text & 4 slides >>

  • Glenn Zucman 4:44 pm on July 12, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: Features   


    Compass H2O

    Ephemeral Wayfinding

    • Hands free compass that believes that less is more

    • Map-free wayfinding that believes the road less traveled can make all the difference

    • A journey shared with a virtual friend

    • A Destination Found

    • A Compass With Serendipity

    • A More Immersive Experience

  • Glenn Zucman 3:46 pm on July 12, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , Edie Sedgwick, , Keith Haring, NYC, Silver Factory, The Factory,   

    Warhol in NYC 


    Joseph, Susan, Vivia, Sharon & I metup at Art Center (main campus) today and worked on our WearableTechLA presentation from about Noon – 6pm.

    A scenario we developed was Walking New York City with Andy Warhol. The Silver Factory where he was shot… Max’s Kansas City where his relationship with Edie Sedgwick ended… the street where he ran in to Keith Haring chalking on the asphalt.

    Here are a few Warhol in NYC waypoints:
    (More …)

  • Glenn Zucman 4:33 am on July 11, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , Isabella Medici, James Joyce Leopold Bloom, , , Ulysses   

    Ephemeral Wayfinding – concept 

    The Sublime

    If you’re looking for a place here on earth, or up in the heavens, Stonehenge cannot begin to compete with Google Maps.

    Yet for all its technical superiority, few people have profound spiritual experiences using Google Maps, while Stonehenge has provided exactly that for the last five thousand years. More: 419 words & 2 images >>

    • Sharon Gong 10:27 am on July 11, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Here is the new user case from Susan:

      Problem: The Google map doesn’t work in small scope.
      For example, the Google map can’t guide you the route in a mall when you want to find a specific store. It is troublesome to refer to signs and still maps in the mall. This case can also apply to hospital, Disneyland, botanical garden, a trade show etc.
      Solution: You set your destination on the map of the building or zone on your smart phone. Our compass can guide you accurately where you want to go without holding your phone. (Even if you hold your phone, you phone still can’t tell you to go upstairs or downstairs.But compass can.)

  • Glenn Zucman 6:21 am on July 10, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: bio, description, , hirez images, team   

    Gizmodo Feature 

    photo of a traveler using Compass H2O's Ephemeral Wayfinding to experience a place without the fuss of handheld devices and overly detailed maps

    Compass H2O Medium Rez1 1600 x 1067

    Compass H2O: ephemeral wayfinding

    Our lives are dominated by the relentless need to get From Point A to Point B. It’s necessary in a fast-paced, deadline-driven world. But it’s both unhealthy and unsatisfying to never stop and smell the roses.

    Ephemeral Wayfinding is an invitation to wander, to linger, to loiter, to be a 21st century flâneur.

    Compass H2O is a wrist worn compass that enables you to experience a place with another person: More: Team Bios & Hirez Images >>

  • Glenn Zucman 5:59 am on July 10, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , ,   

    WearableTechLA & Gizmodo Info 

    Here’s the info Courtney Peterson sent us:

    Wearable Tech LA

    • Pasadena Convention Center, Th July 17
    • Arrive no later than 2:00 pm
    • Presentations begin @ 2:30 pm
    • You may attend the conference all day.
    • RSVP Attendance (1st & Last Names) to Courtney ASAP
    • On-stage presentations will be 5 minutes (NO overtime!)
    • Prototype working & ready to demonstrate
    • Presentations 2 Courtney no later than Mon July 13 (Powerpoint or Google Slide format)

    Gizmodo Feature

    2-3 paragraph description of project & any additional photos of prototype by Mon July 13. Please include:

    1. Extreme Theme of Project
    2. Detail about the working prototype – materials & functionality
    3. Brief background of each team member (name & any school/professional affiliations)
    4. Any additional photos (suitable for media use (hi-rez, descriptive images of project))
  • Sharon Gong 9:17 pm on July 9, 2014 Permalink |  

    To Do List 

    Next we are going to present our Compass H2O propotype on Wearable LA. And get a spot of Gizmodo Feature. Exciting about that.

    So what are we going to to next? Let’s revise this list and take action:)

    1. Create a new story or modify the existing one.
    2. Perfect the prototype and make it in working condition.
    3. Revise the presentation PowerPoint.
    4. Prepare and present.
    5. For Gizmodo, provide introduction about the project and the prototype.
    6. For Gizmodo, create a series of prototype advertisement images for media use (Including taking photos and post production).
    7. Provide your own introduction as a team member.

    Feel free to revise and add more.

    • Glenn Zucman 10:47 pm on July 9, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Great list Sharon!
      #6 – As you noted, we need to photograph the wristband!
      #8 – I’ll bring a case of “blank water”. Can we print more labels?

      New Story / Use Case

      Moving off Water Finding to Wayfinding, Body Sensing, Social Compass..

      New Slides

      to go with new use case

      As you and I discussed in our Wed nite Google Hangout, we’ll plan to meetup Saturday, Noon – 6p or something like that. At Art Center, or my place in Rosemead, or MakerCityLA, or…

  • Glenn Zucman 12:44 pm on July 3, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , , , , , MakerCityLA, , , , Shoes, ,   

    Judges' Feedback 

    Photo on the rooftop of Art Center's Media Design Practices Wind Tunnel in Pasadena, CA, of  Christian Denhart, Eric Lewallen, Marcus Filipovich, Anne Burdick & Maggie Hendrie, announcing the awards for MDP's Extreme Wearables Designathon

    XWD @ MDP jurors Christian Denhart, Eric Lewallen, Marcus Filipovich, Anne Burdick & Maggie Hendrie, announce the awards!

    I had a chance to see a video of the XWD awards presentation on the MDP rooftop. I’m not posting it here as it was a private video. I’ll add it if it becomes public. We pretty much know what happened anyway, but what was interesting about this replay was that 3 teams got awards, but only 1 team got Award + Critique: us!
    (More …)

  • Glenn Zucman 8:42 am on June 30, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: Find Water, , , , , , Walking Tour, ,   

    Phase 2! 

    photo of Team Compass H2O's Third Place prize in the Extreme Wearables Designathon at Media Design Practices, Art Center, South Campus, Wind Tunnel, Sunday June 29, 2014

    We’re presenting at WearableTechLA on Th, July 17!

    Congratulations Team Compass H2O! We won 3rd place and we’re pitching at WearableTechLA on Th, July 17!

    What’s the next gen for us? (More …)

    • Sharon Gong 3:15 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Here is the detail info and schedule about Wearable LA: http://www.wearabletechla.com/#nav-header

      Seems like this time period is saved for us on 7/17:
      2:30 pm – 2:45 pm Designathon teams Demo Their Extreme Wearables

      • Glenn Zucman 3:30 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Thanks for the WearableTechLA schedule Sharon! So the 3 teams have 5 minutes each, or maybe more like 4 minutes to get their whole pitch out!

        Yes, awesome job Susan!! 🙂

        • Sharon Gong 3:34 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          Syuzi said they might just provide a location for each team to display the product with a poster with introduction. We may not need to present.
          Let’s wait for her email for the final confirmation.

          • Joseph 12:06 am on July 5, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            Ekin told me they won’t present their work at wearable tech LA.

    • Sharon Gong 3:27 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Wearable Tech LA is the first Entertainment and Health Wearable conference held in Los Angeles. Attending Wearable Tech LA will give you an opportunity to meet and collaborate with the best of Hollywood, Music, and Sports including leaders from the NBA, NFL, NHL, and others.
      According to International Data Corporation, wearables will be the fastest-emerging category and become a $12B industry in 2018. You’ll also get the inside track from industry leaders on wearables, a first look at emerging wearable computing, watch fast track pitches from 15 startups and network with top VCs, angels, large corporation (e.g. GoPro, Intel, Samsung, adidas, Qualcomm, Google, etc.) and thought leaders.

      Key highlights:
      World’s First Wearable Entertainment and Health conference in LA
      Cocktail reception & wearable showcase
      400-500 attendees
      Top celebrities from Hollywood, Music and Sports
      20 dynamic keynotes, 50 speakers and 15 startups pitching their products – 3 winners to be announced.
      Panel discussion with thought leaders in the wearable entertainment and spaces
      Live demos including a demo on extreme wearables
      Top VCs and corporations (e.g. GoPro, Intel, Samsung, Qualcomm, Google, etc…)

    • Sharon Gong 3:28 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Wearable Tech LA sounds so exciting. And I can’t wait to join it and meet all of you there:)

    • Sharon Gong 4:33 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

    • Joseph 12:10 am on July 5, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I think we definitely need to meet up at least once before July 17. We can set up a meeting and talk about the feedback we got. I’m free anytime after Wednesday, but my finals are coming soon. I understand Susan and Vivia might have hard time to meet up, but we will try our best.

      • Glenn Zucman 4:56 am on July 5, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Oh, Allia / Ekin won’t present? That’s a shame. We didn’t hear anything from Courtney / MDP this week. But next week I hope they’ll give us some info on WTLA. As Sharon said above, it might be more of a “Poster Session” than “Presentation.”

        The judges feedback is kind of funny – they liked the quality of our build, but didn’t like it on the wrist, and didn’t like the water finding use case as much as wayfinding. So they sort of said, “we love your work, now throw it away and start over”! 😛

        The answer to the 1st 1/2 of that, off the wrist might be that we aren’t going to have time to develop that before the 17th, even if we wanted to?

        The use case though is mostly presentation rather than engineering to do now, so we could develop that if we wanted to.

        For meeting F2F, Mon-Wed-Fri are a little better for me, but my schedule is flexible ATM, so I can probably work out any day that works for others. I’m happy going up to Art Center, or wherever we like. You’re all welcome at my place in Rosemead, too.

        We probably can’t get all 8 of us together, but as many of us as want to / are able to, would be great. And we can also discuss here on the website, or we could do a Google Video Hangout.

        Thanks Joseph!

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