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  • Glenn Zucman 7:44 am on July 13, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: Art Center, , ,   

    Art Center Saturday July 12 

    Compass H2O team from Art Center College of Design / Media Design Practices's Extreme Wearables Designathon, working on their Phase 2 presentation for WearableTechLA

    Joseph Kan, Glenn Zucman, Susan Zhang & Vivia Liu. Photo by Sharon Gong.

    Susan, Vivia, Joseph, Sharon & I metup in the Art Center College of Design (main campus) Cafatera from about noon-6p today to work on our presentation for WearableTechLA on Thursday. We weren’t able to reconsider our hardware solution, but we did take the opportunity to consider the Extreme Wearable Designathon Judge’s advice to move past the Find Water use case, and think more about Wayfinding.

    We developed an Ephemeral Wayfinding scenario and created presentation slides. I got to live out my lifelong dream of being a Wearable Tech Hand Model! Here are some images from our day:
    More: 24 photos >>

  • Glenn Zucman 10:55 am on June 29, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: Art Center, , MDP, Media Design Practices,   

    Thank You! 

    Samy Kamkar, Meg Grant & Syuzi Pakchyan in conversation on Sunday morning at Extreme Wearable Designathon at Media Design Practices, Art Center, South Campus, Wind Tunnel

    Samy Kamkar, Meg Grant & Syuzi Pakchyan

    Team Compass H2O wants to give a big thank you to the many individuals and organizations that made our project experience possible.

    Thank you to the Media Design Practices (MDP) program at Art Center & Intel for their sponsorship. Thank you to the very helpful experts who worked with us and to all the judges.

    And a special thank you to our host and mentor Syuzi Pakchyan. Syuzi spent every minute of this long weekend with us and always had the brightest of spirits and the most helpful of insights. It is humbling to spend time with someone so smart and yet so patient, generous and helpful.

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