The Presentations!
And then everyone came and looked!
Team Compass H2O wants to give a big thank you to the many individuals and organizations that made our project experience possible.
Thank you to the Media Design Practices (MDP) program at Art Center & Intel for their sponsorship. Thank you to the very helpful experts who worked with us and to all the judges.
And a special thank you to our host and mentor Syuzi Pakchyan. Syuzi spent every minute of this long weekend with us and always had the brightest of spirits and the most helpful of insights. It is humbling to spend time with someone so smart and yet so patient, generous and helpful.
Extreme Wearable Designathon leader Syuzi Pakchyan /
And we formed teams!
David Wang
Glenn Zucman
Joseph Kan
Natalia Fedner
Samy Kamkar
Shan Zhang
Sharon Gong
Vivia Liu
Sharon Gong 3:25 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I think we earn the heart of the audience. We did provide a workable demo and the audiences loves that.
The way we need to improve is to tell a better story. I really enjoy the way Emoty presents, quite logical and they did tell us where the concept came from and what problem it solved.
A great story will make the product more convincing.
Sharon Gong 4:11 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I love the design of the badge for the water bottle. Thanks, Glenn~
It looks like a real one that could sale 😛
Glenn Zucman 4:12 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
hahaha – yessy! Compass H2O is the only brand of water I drink now! I keep it fully stocked in the studio fridge! 🙂
Sharon Gong 4:16 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Oh, you remind me. We could make more bottles on the demo day 7/17. And hand out to the audiences passed by. They might need some water to prevent dehydration for that busy day ^_^
Glenn Zucman 4:26 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Yes Sharon, that’s a really great idea. Can we print more of the labels? I actually measured the label from the ones that were on the bottles, but it seems like they might have wound up 1/8″ – 3/16″ short going around. Maybe the file got shrunk in placing from PS to IL or something. Anyway, I guess they just need to be 1/4″ wider.
I can pick up a case of water and we could meetup sometime / someplace and paste labels. And I can bring the tape film gun.