The Presentations!

Compass H2O Water!
And then everyone came and looked!
The Judges
Anne Burdick – MDP
Maggie Hendrie – Interaction Design
Christian Denhart – Karten Design
Eric Lewallen – Intel
Marcus O. Filipovich – Pasadena Angels, The Design Accelerator
Our Home: The Wind Tunnel!
The Presentations
3 States of Being: Plugged. Unplugged. Asleep.
Connect with kids with autism.
Compass H20
Wearable GPS that senses your hydration level & leads to water
David, Susan, Natalia, Vivia & Joseph presenting Compass H2O at Extreme Wearables Designathon at Art Center MDP Wind Tunnel, Sunday June 29, 2014
Presenting Compass H2O at Extreme Wearables Designathon at Art Center MDP Wind Tunnel, Sunday June 29, 2014
Signal Obscura
Privacy Neckwear
Attentive Attire
Social Justice. Child Abduction.
Superhero Extreme
Fun roleplaying meets child education
Judges Deliberate!
Syuzi calls for a round of applause for all the projects
Vivia & Sharon
Juror Maggie Hendrie looks at Compass H2O
Juror Christian Denhart asks David about our use case.
Natalia attaches Compass H2O to Maggie Hendrie’s wrist.
XWD @ MDP jurors Christian Denhart, Eric Lewallen, Marcus Filipovich, Anne Burdick & Maggie Hendrie, announce the awards!
- Emoty
- States of Being
- Compass H2O
And then an amazing weekend was done.
Thank you so much everyone!
Oh… but wait… it’s not over!
Compass H2O’s 3rd place finish means we present at WearableTechLA on Thursday, July 17!
See the next post for where that might go! 🙂

Syuzi, Judges & Participants. Thank you all so much! Bye for now…
Sharon Gong 3:25 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink
I think we earn the heart of the audience. We did provide a workable demo and the audiences loves that.
The way we need to improve is to tell a better story. I really enjoy the way Emoty presents, quite logical and they did tell us where the concept came from and what problem it solved.
A great story will make the product more convincing.
Sharon Gong 4:11 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink
I love the design of the badge for the water bottle. Thanks, Glenn~
It looks like a real one that could sale 😛
Glenn Zucman 4:12 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink
hahaha – yessy! Compass H2O is the only brand of water I drink now! I keep it fully stocked in the studio fridge! 🙂
Sharon Gong 4:16 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink
Oh, you remind me. We could make more bottles on the demo day 7/17. And hand out to the audiences passed by. They might need some water to prevent dehydration for that busy day ^_^
Glenn Zucman 4:26 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink
Yes Sharon, that’s a really great idea. Can we print more of the labels? I actually measured the label from the ones that were on the bottles, but it seems like they might have wound up 1/8″ – 3/16″ short going around. Maybe the file got shrunk in placing from PS to IL or something. Anyway, I guess they just need to be 1/4″ wider.
I can pick up a case of water and we could meetup sometime / someplace and paste labels. And I can bring the tape film gun.