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  • Glenn Zucman 11:22 am on July 5, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , Brian Krzanich, , Jennifer Jolly, , , Quark Processor   

    MC10 Skin Sensor / Intel Quark Processor 

    Here’s a Sept 2013 video Joseph found where Intel CEO Brian Krzanich announces the Quark processor. At 2:30 he talks about wearables. At 4:30 another speaker, a not identified woman, (anybody know who she is?) talks about a wrist-worn sensor, and at 5:00 she talks about the MC10 “Band-Aid” Skin Sensor we looked at during our research at MDP on Saturday, June 28. We had a hard time telling if the MC10 was available or not, but in the video she states that it’s still in development.

    (More …)

  • Glenn Zucman 12:44 pm on July 3, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , , , , , MakerCityLA, , , , Shoes, ,   

    Judges' Feedback 

    Photo on the rooftop of Art Center's Media Design Practices Wind Tunnel in Pasadena, CA, of  Christian Denhart, Eric Lewallen, Marcus Filipovich, Anne Burdick & Maggie Hendrie, announcing the awards for MDP's Extreme Wearables Designathon

    XWD @ MDP jurors Christian Denhart, Eric Lewallen, Marcus Filipovich, Anne Burdick & Maggie Hendrie, announce the awards!

    I had a chance to see a video of the XWD awards presentation on the MDP rooftop. I’m not posting it here as it was a private video. I’ll add it if it becomes public. We pretty much know what happened anyway, but what was interesting about this replay was that 3 teams got awards, but only 1 team got Award + Critique: us!
    (More …)

  • Sharon Gong 5:00 pm on July 1, 2014 Permalink |  

    Indicate hydration level in another way 

    “Vessyl can even tell you whether you need to drink more water by displaying a vivid blue line that rises and falls dependent upon your hydration level. Vessyl calls this part of the technology “Pryme,” and it can be displayed independently on the cup itself, or within the app to show you not only how hydrated you are, but for how long you remained at optimal hydration levels. All of which coincides with the Vessyl mantra of empowering people to make better choices.”

    • Glenn Zucman 8:49 pm on July 1, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Wow Sharon, what an interesting find!

      It’s a very sexy and very interesting product. I do wonder though, how many people will be willing to pay US$200 for a mug… and then put everything they drink all day in it? Take it to Starbucks in the morning? To Jamba Juice for lunch? To the pub after work? And will they rinse it in between? And if you do rinse it, will that be logged as drinking 13oz of water?

      It’s easy to be negative about Vessyl or Compass H2O or anything else, but it just seems like a very expensive mug that I have to drag around all day. When I go to the roof of MDP for a party, instead of a red wine glass I’m going to ask the server to put my wine in this white plastic thing?

      I’m also unclear, since it’s not actually sensing your body hydration, but instead your intake, how does it know if you’ve been lying in an air-conditioned bedroom all day, or out running 4-minute miles in blazing heat?

  • Glenn Zucman 7:38 am on July 1, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: Bluetooth Low Energy, Fitbit, GPS, Phone   

    Wearable + Phone GPS? 

    screen shot from fitbit website showing new route tracking feature

    Fitbit adds route tracking via phone GPS

    I’ve just received an email from Fitbit. As we discussed for Compass H2O, they’re now offering Route Tracking, not by modifying the Fitbit device at all, but by using your phone GPS. What I don’t quite understand in Fitbit’s case is: if I’m going to track with my phone, why do I still need their device at all?

  • Glenn Zucman 8:42 am on June 30, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: Find Water, , , , , , Walking Tour, ,   

    Phase 2! 

    photo of Team Compass H2O's Third Place prize in the Extreme Wearables Designathon at Media Design Practices, Art Center, South Campus, Wind Tunnel, Sunday June 29, 2014

    We’re presenting at WearableTechLA on Th, July 17!

    Congratulations Team Compass H2O! We won 3rd place and we’re pitching at WearableTechLA on Th, July 17!

    What’s the next gen for us? (More …)

    • Sharon Gong 3:15 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Here is the detail info and schedule about Wearable LA:

      Seems like this time period is saved for us on 7/17:
      2:30 pm – 2:45 pm Designathon teams Demo Their Extreme Wearables

      • Glenn Zucman 3:30 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Thanks for the WearableTechLA schedule Sharon! So the 3 teams have 5 minutes each, or maybe more like 4 minutes to get their whole pitch out!

        Yes, awesome job Susan!! 🙂

        • Sharon Gong 3:34 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          Syuzi said they might just provide a location for each team to display the product with a poster with introduction. We may not need to present.
          Let’s wait for her email for the final confirmation.

          • Joseph 12:06 am on July 5, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            Ekin told me they won’t present their work at wearable tech LA.

    • Sharon Gong 3:27 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Wearable Tech LA is the first Entertainment and Health Wearable conference held in Los Angeles. Attending Wearable Tech LA will give you an opportunity to meet and collaborate with the best of Hollywood, Music, and Sports including leaders from the NBA, NFL, NHL, and others.
      According to International Data Corporation, wearables will be the fastest-emerging category and become a $12B industry in 2018. You’ll also get the inside track from industry leaders on wearables, a first look at emerging wearable computing, watch fast track pitches from 15 startups and network with top VCs, angels, large corporation (e.g. GoPro, Intel, Samsung, adidas, Qualcomm, Google, etc.) and thought leaders.

      Key highlights:
      World’s First Wearable Entertainment and Health conference in LA
      Cocktail reception & wearable showcase
      400-500 attendees
      Top celebrities from Hollywood, Music and Sports
      20 dynamic keynotes, 50 speakers and 15 startups pitching their products – 3 winners to be announced.
      Panel discussion with thought leaders in the wearable entertainment and spaces
      Live demos including a demo on extreme wearables
      Top VCs and corporations (e.g. GoPro, Intel, Samsung, Qualcomm, Google, etc…)

    • Sharon Gong 3:28 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Wearable Tech LA sounds so exciting. And I can’t wait to join it and meet all of you there:)

    • Sharon Gong 4:33 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

    • Joseph 12:10 am on July 5, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I think we definitely need to meet up at least once before July 17. We can set up a meeting and talk about the feedback we got. I’m free anytime after Wednesday, but my finals are coming soon. I understand Susan and Vivia might have hard time to meet up, but we will try our best.

      • Glenn Zucman 4:56 am on July 5, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Oh, Allia / Ekin won’t present? That’s a shame. We didn’t hear anything from Courtney / MDP this week. But next week I hope they’ll give us some info on WTLA. As Sharon said above, it might be more of a “Poster Session” than “Presentation.”

        The judges feedback is kind of funny – they liked the quality of our build, but didn’t like it on the wrist, and didn’t like the water finding use case as much as wayfinding. So they sort of said, “we love your work, now throw it away and start over”! 😛

        The answer to the 1st 1/2 of that, off the wrist might be that we aren’t going to have time to develop that before the 17th, even if we wanted to?

        The use case though is mostly presentation rather than engineering to do now, so we could develop that if we wanted to.

        For meeting F2F, Mon-Wed-Fri are a little better for me, but my schedule is flexible ATM, so I can probably work out any day that works for others. I’m happy going up to Art Center, or wherever we like. You’re all welcome at my place in Rosemead, too.

        We probably can’t get all 8 of us together, but as many of us as want to / are able to, would be great. And we can also discuss here on the website, or we could do a Google Video Hangout.

        Thanks Joseph!

  • Glenn Zucman 9:27 pm on June 29, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , , , Judges, , , ,   

    The Presentations! 

    Bottles of Compass H2O Water

    Compass H2O Water!

    And then everyone came and looked!

    The Judges

    More: 32 images of Judges & each of the XWD Teams >>

    • Sharon Gong 3:25 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I think we earn the heart of the audience. We did provide a workable demo and the audiences loves that.
      The way we need to improve is to tell a better story. I really enjoy the way Emoty presents, quite logical and they did tell us where the concept came from and what problem it solved.
      A great story will make the product more convincing.

    • Sharon Gong 4:11 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I love the design of the badge for the water bottle. Thanks, Glenn~
      It looks like a real one that could sale 😛

      • Glenn Zucman 4:12 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        hahaha – yessy! Compass H2O is the only brand of water I drink now! I keep it fully stocked in the studio fridge! 🙂

        • Sharon Gong 4:16 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          Oh, you remind me. We could make more bottles on the demo day 7/17. And hand out to the audiences passed by. They might need some water to prevent dehydration for that busy day ^_^

          • Glenn Zucman 4:26 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            Yes Sharon, that’s a really great idea. Can we print more of the labels? I actually measured the label from the ones that were on the bottles, but it seems like they might have wound up 1/8″ – 3/16″ short going around. Maybe the file got shrunk in placing from PS to IL or something. Anyway, I guess they just need to be 1/4″ wider.

            I can pick up a case of water and we could meetup sometime / someplace and paste labels. And I can bring the tape film gun.

  • Glenn Zucman 8:29 pm on June 29, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , Sunday,   

    Sunday: Finishing Our Prototype 

    Joseph & Natalia completing the Compass H2O project at the Extreme Wearables Designathon at the Media Design Program's Wind Tunnel Facility at Art Center College of Design's South Campus in Pasadena, California

    Joseph & Natalia completing the case with our final prototype inside.

    Somehow, OMG, we finished! (barely! 🙂
    More: 22 images >>

    • Sharon Gong 3:21 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I love this team. Everyone is awesome !!!
      We cooperated quite well. Each of us has our own skill set, dedicated and focus. Lease but not last, I could feel the passion and initiative creativity which sparks around. Just felt fantastic working with all of you.

  • Sharon Gong 1:14 pm on June 29, 2014 Permalink |  

    Compass H2O, Count Down… 

    compass h2o-final from Vivia-Ziqi Liu on Vimeo.

  • Sharon Gong 12:01 pm on June 29, 2014 Permalink |  

    Compass H2O, always points to hope 

    compass logo

    As far as the human physiology is concerned, water is the most vital element for the overall well being. It plays crucial role in all bodily processes by providing a universal medium. Dehydration is a condition, in which water in a living body reduces unusually, and it is likely to encounter in daily life. Dehydration impairs both physical and mental performance in a human being.

    Our wearable band—Compass H2O monitors your hydration level and guides you to the direction of water source to prevent dehydration.

    Compass H2O, always points to hope and will save your life under extreme situation.

    • Sharon Gong 3:29 pm on June 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for Susan designing our logo. It’s hard but finally we choose a satisfying one !

  • Glenn Zucman 10:55 am on June 29, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , , MDP, Media Design Practices,   

    Thank You! 

    Samy Kamkar, Meg Grant & Syuzi Pakchyan in conversation on Sunday morning at Extreme Wearable Designathon at Media Design Practices, Art Center, South Campus, Wind Tunnel

    Samy Kamkar, Meg Grant & Syuzi Pakchyan

    Team Compass H2O wants to give a big thank you to the many individuals and organizations that made our project experience possible.

    Thank you to the Media Design Practices (MDP) program at Art Center & Intel for their sponsorship. Thank you to the very helpful experts who worked with us and to all the judges.

    And a special thank you to our host and mentor Syuzi Pakchyan. Syuzi spent every minute of this long weekend with us and always had the brightest of spirits and the most helpful of insights. It is humbling to spend time with someone so smart and yet so patient, generous and helpful.

  • Glenn Zucman 3:56 am on June 29, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , Narrative,   

    Compass H2O Story 

    (just a start Sharon – let’s add / mod / brainstorm on this post!)

    Water Needs

    It is a testament to the seriousness of our water needs, both here in California and across the globe, that almost immediately upon forming, 1399869558_da0557e4fb_hike-thirstythe members of Team Compass H2O unanimously agreed that our work must in some way consider our very serious water issues here in 2014.

    Personal Hydration

    From our overall passion for water issues we quickly focused on the individual need for hydration. From a California product developer on a weekend hike to someone in the developing world making a trek for medical treatment, hydration is essential to all who travel.

    In the comfort of a 1st world office hydration is often just a refrigerator away. But beyond that artificial oasis, on journeys both short and long, life-giving clean water can be a lot more elusive.

    Compass H2O

    1. A wrist worn compass that senses your hydration level and leads you to water.

    Housed in an attractive, durable, waterproof, simulated leather wristband, Compass H2O is a hands-free GPS unit, a hydration sensor, and a water locator. Under the band are miniaturized arrays of impedance measuring electrodes that determine hydration levels. Huang, et al, 2012

    2. A crowdsourced database of potable water sources.

    Ironically, we anticipate that crowdsourcing will provide the best data for the areas least seriously in need. We’re confident that every water fountain in New York City will be quickly mapped, but far less confident about larger areas in the developing world. Compass H2.O will partner with geologists, water scientists, and local universities in an effort to create a truly global map of current sources of potable water.

    3. A propopulated device for areas with no cell or wifi signals.

    It is amazing what can be achieved with a cell phone in today’s world. Yet so many of the places we walk are void of cellular and wifi signals. By prepopulating Compass H2O with the latest water database for the area of travel, this device needs nothing more than GPS satellites to lead the wearer to the nearest water source. (or, if hydration needs are light, then to the best water source)

    4. A low power device with multiple recharging options

    Using a low power chipset and efficient LEDs, Compass H2O is a high efficiency device that can be recharged with a solar button worn on the walker’s shirt.

    5. An open source platform for myriad personal and social compass apps in the future.

    The initial focus of Compass H2O is indeed navigation and access to water. In the future anyone can use this open source platform to create a variety of Walking Tours, Social Compass Experiences, and many other applications.


    Photo by e-magic

  • Glenn Zucman 10:23 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , ,   

    Saturday Late Nite! 

    Working on the band!

  • Glenn Zucman 9:50 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: CCMixter, Music, , Video   

    Arms of Light by WaxMaps

    possible music for video

  • Sharon Gong 7:49 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink |  

    Logo design is not an easy job ! 

    Susan did try several versions. The whole team is still working on choosing one.




  • Glenn Zucman 7:28 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , , wristband   

    Band Ideas 

    We’re working on a tube band that will have a perforated fabric cover.

  • Sharon Gong 6:45 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink |  

    Unveil our upcoming 3D model band 


    • Glenn Zucman 6:56 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      They did such a nice job on this! But the 3D printed material isn’t flexible enough to get our chips in. And printing a mold for casting isn’t going to work. So this design will have to be a future piece.

      ATM the design team’s working on a flexible tube band to go in a perforated fiber sleeve Natalia sewed.

    • Sharon Gong 7:37 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Glad to know that works well. But we’re still trying more possibilities~~

  • Sharon Gong 6:09 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink |

    Theory of Epidermal Differential Impedance Sensor for Conformal Skin
    Hydration Monitoring:

  • Sharon Gong 5:39 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink |  

    Social Compass, where we come from 

    Compass: A Google Glass Concept from Moment on Vimeo.

    • Glenn Zucman 6:15 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Great find Sharon! The Glass Social Compass is an interesting app! It has some of the ideas we were thinking about. Of course Compass H2.O is available at a much more affordable price and doesn’t have the bad PR of all the Glassholes!

    • Glenn Zucman 11:05 pm on July 9, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Watching this video again a week later… now that we’ve moving off “Find Water” and toward Wayfinding / Social Compass. You know, this is a “cute” Google-like video but really, we are not the only ones stretching our use case! Those 4 friends are wearing US$6,000 in tech to find out where in the zoo the gorillas are?? This video to me is more of a “gaming” or “play” scenario than a serious “need”…

      meditating on this…

  • Glenn Zucman 5:36 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: Brainstorm, , , , Saturday,   

    Saturday: Morning & Afternoon 


    We brainstormed, played design games, and tried to hone in first on a Need and then moving to more specific design goals. We had so many ideas on so many topics and so many solutions I think we were all going a little mad this morning!

    Our continued efforts with a lot of help from Syuzi Pakchyan, Magdalena Paluch, and the other coaches finally led us to a project we were all excited about: Compass H2.O

    Compass H2.O

    • A wrist worn compass that senses your hydration level and leads you to water.
    • A crowdsourced database of potable water sources.
    • A propopulated device for areas with no cell or wifi signals.
    • An open source platform for myriad personal and social compass apps in the future.
    More: 36 images >>

  • Glenn Zucman 5:16 pm on June 28, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , ,   

    Hydration Sensor 

    Hydration Sensor

    MC10 Hydration Video from MC10 on Vimeo.

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