Make it Wearable
Intel / Make it Wearable
Intel / Make it Wearable
Here’s a Sept 2013 video Joseph found where Intel CEO Brian Krzanich announces the Quark processor. At 2:30 he talks about wearables. At 4:30 another speaker, a not identified woman, (anybody know who she is?) talks about a wrist-worn sensor, and at 5:00 she talks about the MC10 “Band-Aid” Skin Sensor we looked at during our research at MDP on Saturday, June 28. We had a hard time telling if the MC10 was available or not, but in the video she states that it’s still in development.
Team Compass H2O wants to give a big thank you to the many individuals and organizations that made our project experience possible.
Thank you to the Media Design Practices (MDP) program at Art Center & Intel for their sponsorship. Thank you to the very helpful experts who worked with us and to all the judges.
And a special thank you to our host and mentor Syuzi Pakchyan. Syuzi spent every minute of this long weekend with us and always had the brightest of spirits and the most helpful of insights. It is humbling to spend time with someone so smart and yet so patient, generous and helpful.
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